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Both overnutrition(營養過剩) and undernutrition(營養不良) affect energy metabolism(代謝),


 with overnutrition raising energy expenditure(支出) and undernutrition lowering it.


Fever(發燒) is a powerful stimulator(刺激) of thermogenesis(產熱).

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IBM's 5 predictions for the future
IBM 對未來的五個預言
Heather Kelly, CNN By Heather Kelly, CNN

December 19, 2013 -- Updated 1958 GMT (0358 HKT) | Filed under: Innovations

Every year, IBM offers five predictions of innovations the company expects in the near future.

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IBM's 5 predictions for the future
IBM 對未來的五個預言


Heather Kelly, CNN By Heather Kelly, CNN

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